Design festival Post.Design/Tangle to Beckmans

Beckmans Swedish, visual communication

The POST design festival is coming to Beckmans on 24-26 March. A festival for anyone interested in an in-depth conversation about contemporary visual culture.

A platform exploring visual culture

ThePOST design festival is a platform for exploring visual culture in depth and is now visiting Stockholm and Beckmans College of Design. With a series of lectures and workshops on the theme of "Entanglement", the festival explores design's potential for connection and new perspectives, celebrating the complexity of thinking and talking in tangles rather than in straight lines.

Symposium at Beckmans with international guests

No practice is autonomous and no tradition without a mesh: eschewing solutionist thinking, our program seeks to understand design’s many knotty problems and connective possibilities. Spanning two years, four locations, and a patchworked, online hub, the Post Design Tangle is a bind that ties together communities across the Nordics and the digital world; it’s an informal circuit of flashing cables and intimate, in-person conversations.Creative practice does not arise in a vacuum and is never neutral. It is influenced by and part of a web of intersections, connections and invisible ties that shape and influence our visual and political environment. The festival offers a unique opportunity to explore, question and reshape it. Four international creatives, working in art direction, web design, typography and fine art, will visit the festival for a two-day symposium on the personal and political aspects of design.

-"It is more important than ever to bring interesting ideas to the physical location that is Beckmans College of Design, especially that which is at the forefront of international, young visual communication," says Peter Ström, Senior Lecturer in Visual Communication at Beckmans.

-"The whole idea of an arts college has been shaken to the core when the pandemic made it impossible for both students and teachers to have access to the school as a physical place. One consequence is that students have less familiarity with the school itself as a place, with each other as a class and program colleagues, but the presence of industry and related fields at the school has also taken a toll in these years.

Opening lecture with Nejc Prah Friday 25 March

Nejc Prah is an art director/graphic designer from Ljubljana who works with a maximalist visual tactics, which take viewers to new places and break away from the typical workings of a poster or identity. Nejc himself is a Slovenian designer who works with a wide range of clients and occasionally teaches at the Academy in Ljubljana. Before starting his own studio in 2019, he worked as an art director at Bloomberg Businessweek in New York. Nejc will not only be speaking at the Tangle, but also running our workshop for design students at Beckmans (secret tip: make sure you’re wearing something with pockets).
Lecture on 25 March from 5pm to 7pm.

Guests Saturday 26 March

Elias Hanzer is a typeface artist/programmer/designer based in Berlin. He uses typography as a generative tool that forms the basis for infinite, intertwined forms. His recent typeface release with Dinamo, ABC Arizona, is the first ever sans-to-serif “superfamily” packed into one single font file. Alongside drawing typefaces, he co-runs Hanzer Liccini with Lucas Liccini, a studio for graphic design and typography.At Beckmans he will talk about the connections between technology and typography and how they can interact.
Lecture at 15.00-16.00.

Matilda Tjäder is a Swedish multidisciplinary artist who builds fictional worlds through sound, performance and movement. In her work, she develops experimental, deeply imaginative environments where the familiar interfaces with unknown, the individual with the collective, and memories with the absence of sentience. We’re looking forward to getting lost in the stories she webs and weaves, whether ambient or absurd.In deeply imaginative worlds, the familiar and the unknown meet, the individual and the collective, and memories where emotion is absent. Lectures at 4pm-5pm.

Coming at digital technology with a critical eye, and investigating the ways in which tech shapes and gives shape to our creative practices today, Yehwan Song will be talking about the tangly ways her practice transgresses static and templated web design. Based in Seoul, the Korean web designer pursues multiplicity rather than consistency, and challenges the notion of user-friendlessness and efficiency online. In our increasingly networked times, we’re excited to hear about breaking from and critically engaging with our webbed surroundings.who uses a critical eye to explore the impact of tech on creative practices today. In her work, she strives for diversity and challenges the idea of online usability and efficiency.
Lecture at 5pm-6pm.

Programme and tickets

The full festival programme can be found here. Tickets to listen on site cost 150 SEK, tickets to attend online 50 SEK. Free for students, both on-site and digitally, but seats must be booked and a valid student card is required.
Click here to buy your tickets.

About POST Design

The Post Design Festival challenges the place of visual culture and communication in society while addressing the ethics of design, the politics of image-making, and the unknowns of our creative futures. is a non-profit design festival and platform that aims to explore the place of visual culture in today's society through lectures and workshops. It is organised by an international team based in Berlin, Brussels and Copenhagen. The festival is aimed at visual creators, designers, visual educators, and artists but also at anyone interested in having a deeper conversation about contemporary visual culture.

The 2022-23 iteration of Post Design Festival takes spans two years, four locations and a patchworked, online hub. The first stop is at Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm. 


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