Beckmans lecturer in portrait series

Beckmans staff, Swedish

Manush Mirzakhanian is one of the chosen in the portrait series in memory of Professor Sara Danius. 

Manush Mirzakhanian is a senior lecturer in fashion at Beckmans and works in his own practice cross-border between fashion design, art, illustration and design. After running her own brand, Manush, she has for many years developed fashion education at different levels in Stockholm. 

Portrait series part of exhibition

In the portrait series, seven academics are photographed wearing Sara Danius' clothes. The aim is to draw attention to and celebrate the academic courage of women, and to inspire more people, like Sara, to go their own way.

The series of portraits is part of the exhibition Modet Lever Vidare, which is organized at Sven-Harry's Art Museum in Stockholm in honor of Sara Danius' memory and highlight female academics. 

How fashion can communicate

As an author, essayist, professor of comparative literature and the first woman to be permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy and with a passionate interest in fashion, Sara Danius showed how fashion can be used to communicate and take a stand on issues such as gender equality and women's struggle. 

Between 2018-209, Sara Danius was also attached to the Fashion Program at Beckmans to contribute to the strategic subject development and managed to supervise fashion students in the course Nobel Creations where they portrayed works by seven female literature laureates.

Garments auctioned in favour of memorial fund

In connection with the exhibition Modet Lever Vidare, some 80 of her garments will be auctioned at Tradera for the benefit of the Sara Danius Memorial Fund, which was started by Sara Danius' family, as support for female pioneers in essayistics, criticism, humanistic research, journalism and artistic activities.


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