Beckmans Design Collaboration 2018

Beckman College of Design will showcase design collaborations with six of Sweden's leading furniture manufacturers - Blå Station, Gärsnäs, Johanson Design,
Källemo, Massproductions and Materia at Stockholm Furniture Fair February 6-10.

Hear Us Out Exhibition

12 graduating students at formprogrammet have in teams of two taken on each of these companies. Each company has since challenged each team with a mission. Throughout the autumn, companies have generously shared their time and expertise in materials and technology and the students have worked closely with the companies to realize their ideas and develop a prototype. The results of the collaboration are shown in the exhibition Hear Us Out in Greenhouse at Stockholm Furniture Fair. 

Professional assignments already during the study period

-"For us, it is important that students leave Beckmans well prepared and qualified to take on a professional assignment. This is one of several projects where our students meet real clients and are thus trained to communicate with all parties involved, both verbally and visually. They gain an understanding of how many people are often involved in realizing a product. It is also a fantastic opportunity to give product design and make a personal impression based on an already established company, says Margot Barolo, program manager at Product design and Morgan Rudberg, course responsible lecturer at Product design.  

Opening on February 6 at 15.00 Greenhouse, C-hallen, stand 17:31 

Six products

Column by Lisa Lindh and Klara Hedengren for Massproductions. The column borders between sculpture and space and provides the opportunity to easily screen off or create new spatialities. As the first piece of furniture ever, it is made entirely of cellulose fiber. 

Vent armchair by Sarah Hasselqvist and Melinda Urbansdotter for Johanson Design. The soft, undulating shapes that give life to the VENT armchair are inspired by a fermenting dough that swells out between different metal structures. 

Kaj by Ida Björses and Celine Strömbäck for Blå Station experiments with balance and mirror shapes, symmetry and assymetry to find a construction where each of the materials wood, leather and metal is highlighted. A piece of furniture that can be used as a hallway furniture or side table with a seating and stand-off area.  

The Fortuna armchair by Hanna Stenström and Jennie Adén for Materia. A large, organic piece of furniture, inspired by the shape of a fortune cookie, where Materia's expertise in sewing is highlighted. 

The Fransson podium series by Anna Hermann and Lisa Jonsson for Gärsnäs. A stackable stool where the materials pine, book and walnut in combination with leather or textile give the pallets different expressions, and where Gärsnäs knowledgeable craftsman and technicians' dexterity for craftsmanship and quality inspired.  

Arbor by Madeleine Nelson and Frida Pettersson for Källemo. With a choice of materials from Källemo's material library, Arbor devours a varied content while it can appear alone as a sculpture.  

Design Talks with Beckmans in Greenhouse 

During the fair we arrange two Talks where students and representatives of the companies are part of the panel. The first is a conversation about Prototyping and the second is about the industry/designer relationship. The talks are moderated by Lia Forslund, design strategist. 

Talk 1: Design Process and Prototyping February 7th at 11.15 am

Talk 2: Design Collaboration, February 8th at 11.30am


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