With a passion for leather craftsmanship and quality

Beckmans fashion

Anna-Karin Friberg, who is in her second year at the fashion program, got the chance to show her collection to 800 people at Scandinavia's largest fashion show Spring Inspiration.

Scandinavia's largest fashion show 

Spring Inspiration is Scandinavia's largest fashion show and is organized by university students in trade in Jönköping. The event looks different every year and this time the theme was "Spring Inspiration Goes Fashionweek" –On a 32 meter long catwalk I got to show my collection to about 800 people and I couldn't wish for a better evening! The response I received from both the audience and the organizers was incredible and all the nice comments are still warming today, says Anna-Karin.

Collection that wants to call for reflection  

The collection she showed is a further development of the couture course that takes place during the spring semester in the 2nd at Beckman's fashion program. 

"I always work with a focus on sustainability and in this collection I wanted to let two worlds meet; attitudes towards consumption and production and today's view of use. The collection is made of techniques and materials that are otherwise not directly associated with couture. The inspiration is taken from leather accessories and by working with leather I want to enhance the leather craftsmanage and give the viewer a concrete connection to the handmade creation and quality. In this way, I want to expand the culture that mass consumption is slowly destroying," says Anna-Karin.

Want to show alternatives and opportunities in sustainability thinking 

Before joining Beckman, Anna-Karin attended Stenebyskolan specializing in Leather Leather and Fur for Fashion and Accessories for 2 years.  After that, she went to Beckmans Kvällsskola mode for 1 year before joining the fashion program.    

"I knew from an early age what I wanted to do and have since strived to achieve my goal," he said. At Steneby I found my passion for leather craftsmanship and quality. 

She also has a clear goal with her creation: to contribute to more environmentally friendly consumption and production. 

"I want to show the world about alternatives and opportunities in sustainability thinking. What mainly recurs in my design is recycling, where the aim is to return life to materials that are no longer considered to have any value," says Anna-Karin.


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