Juice Studios x Beckmans

Sofia Hulting Swedish, visual communication

This year's course in Editorial Design with the second year Visual Communication students at Beckmans is a collaboration with Juice Studios.

In the course, which is led by Stefania Malmsten and results in four printed magazines in broadsheet format, the creators from Juice become guest editors who contribute with images, stories and perspectives.

Opening January 17

The project will be presented at Hobo Hotel in central Stockholm on Friday, January 17, 17.00-21.00.

Juice creators connect with the design world of Beckmans students

Juice Studios is a foundation, founded by Ametist Azordegan, that promotes social justice by improving conditions for young creators and artists. Juice empowers the creativity of young people who are outside the established networks of culture and media.

Stefania Malmsten: "In the Visual Communication program at Beckmans, product design and content are always connected. The collaboration in this magazine project with creators from the Juice network gives our students relevant content to work with, with new approaches. We want to train designers who are engaged and critically thinking. Social sustainability for us is about designing important messages and charging everything we do with value."

Ametist Azordegan: "The collaboration is a great opportunity for us to bring together our creators and their stories with Beckman students and their design world. I am excited about the creative friction this exchange can bring. When different perspectives meet, something bigger than the parts is often created. This kind of collaboration is at the heart of our vision to create opportunities."

Four newspapers - four stories

Group 1 Juice Studios X Beckmans

The World According to Amelis Riquelme Nicoletti
Creator Juice: Amelis Riquelme Nicoletti @amelisriquelme
Beckmans students:
Albab "Bobby" Rahman
Mika Hyvönen
Hanna Hedberg
Tyra Östlund

"A complete picture of Amelis - dancer, choreographer, actor, creator - in three layers. On the surface: her clothes and appearance. Below the surface: her artistry and the stories she tells through dance. Deeper than that: her background and childhood."

Group 2 Juice Studios X Beckmans

Essence of Emina Iman
Creator Juice: Emina Iman @Eminaiiman
Beckmans students:
Edda Eliasson
Emmy Seeger
Olle Ljung
Wilma Reichardt

"Emina Iman is a creator whose art and expression revolve around elegance, individuality, poise and creativity. By delving into the specifics that define us, she brings out what unites us - through dance, image, poetry and conversation."

Group 3 Juice Studios X Beckmans
The Journey Home
Adam Ahmed Pihlgren's photographs
Juice creator: Adam Ahmed Pihlgren @adamahmedpihlgren
Beckmans students:
Linn Sehlstedt
Molly Schedin
Olle Svensson
Stephanie Holmén

"We tell the story of a young photographer through his journey to Ethiopia, where he explores his origins and his relationship with the country with which he previously did not identify. Using the journey as a starting point, we touch on themes of belonging and in-betweenness, Adam's own development, and the importance of searching for one's roots."

Group 4 Juice Studios X Beckmans
The World According to Daniel Darko Otchere
Creator Juice: Daniel Darko Otchere @heisdarko
Students Beckmans:
Ella Farestam
Phoebe Crookes
Wilmer Norrby
Ida Ädling

"We showcase Daniel Darko Otchere as a multi-creator, focusing on his work as a stylist. Daniel describes the profession of styling as a game, where each person can become a character in their own world. He lets the personality of those he styles guide him as he creates - beyond style or trends. The characters should feel comfortable and be as stylish/cool/maxed as possible. We want to visualize Daniel's process end by portraying his own style, fashion world, and how he navigates the clothing choices based on himself."

Photo: Emmy Seeger
Fashion: Nicke Salomonsson
Lighting and photo assist: Jesper Smeding & Sanna Holm
Retouching: Wilma Reichardt

Thanks to EY Doberman!


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