A scent of couture – an exhibition at NK
12 March 2020
Eleven couture creations
Karl Lagerfeld once said that perfume is like fashion, but for the nose. Now students from Beckman College of Design Selected perfumes from NK Beauty have inspired eleven couture creations to be displayed at NK.
By exploring crafts and product design , the aspiring creators have created personal visions for the directions couture can take in the future. To further define the fashion vision, each creation has been given an additional dimension in the choice of an exclusive fragrance. The associative properties of the selected scents have inspired the students in the development of product design, choice of sewing techniques, color scheme and pattern printing. Fashion and perfumery art have influenced each other, where each fabric can be translated into fragrance notes that play with the richness and contrasts of the material.
About the exhibition
På NK tar utställningen sin början redan den 9 mars då den första delen “Under arbete” börjar och pågår fram till den 11 mars. Besökare får då möjlighet att följa arbetet under process. Den färdiga utställningen pågår sedan 12-15 mars.
Fashion students: Britta Åsåker, Christina Leube, Erika Haglund, Filippa Agaton, Yanis Dorey, Marte Stensrud, Mathilda Guve, Siri Gertonsson, Niklas Gustavsson, Ronja Berg and Sarah Niklasson.
Course coordinator: Göran Sundberg, Senior Lecturer, Beckman College of Design