Cecilia Mosesson – Tactile Scent

I samarbete med parfymmärket Maya Njie, har jag tagit inslag från fotografierna och färgpaletter som inspirerar varje parfym, och designat ett butikskoncept och cloche för att uppleva doften. Jag har experimenterat med taktilitet, och hur olika material och färg kan lyfta upplevelsen av doft. Jag vill också utmana hur människor upplever parfym i kundresan genom att isolera dofterna i rummet, så att man kan fördjupa sig i doften i en mer intim miljö.

In collaboration with perfume brand Maya Njie, I have taken elements from the photographs and colour palettes which inspire each perfume, and designed a store concept and cloche to experience each scent. I have experimented with tactility, and how different materials and colour can elevate the experience of fragrance. I also want to challenge how people experience perfume in the customer journey by isolating the scents within the room, so one can immerse themselves in the scent in a more intimate setting.

Kontakt/Contact: cecilia.mosesson@edu.beckmans.se
Instagram: @cecil_stuff

Tack till/Thanks to: I would like to thank Maya Njie who has provided me with her scents and photograph cards which have inspired this whole concept.  I would also like to thank Emanuele Stamuli, founder of retail architect company Stamuli, who has been my mentor during this project.

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