Scholarships 2021

At the end of the year, a number of scholarships were awarded. Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients!

Beckman's scholarship, Product Design

SEK 5,000 each
Alina Piatanova & Gustav Winsth

Alina Piatanova, project "Libro microlibrary"
"Your thesis raises and processes ideas and thoughts related to politics, democracy issues and people's place in society. It has led you further to develop ideas about what is the key to a good society and identified the role of libraries in public education. That it can be a pathway to inclusion and development. You challenge the idea of what a library can be: where literature in art, architecture and design is made accessible to all. It also involves implementation that leaves nothing to chance in terms of research, design, construction, sustainability aspects and presentation. Your project is timely, honest, grand and fully feasible. We are deeply impressed Alina!"

Gustav Winsth, project "DIO"
"What could happen if you had a product designer, an engineer and a sneaker fan and commissioned them to do a thesis together? It will probably be something that is well executed in design and meticulous in detail. A product or piece of furniture that wants to bounce off. Gustav, you have this amazing combo of being three in one! It has resulted in a degree project that fuses design, fashion and engineering. Your shelf will be an object of attention and a landmark wherever it may end up, impossible to mix with others. Your shelf will be an object of attention and a landmark wherever it may end up, impossible to mix with others. A shelf that dares to break the norm and proves that a strong design expression need not compromise on either durability or exciting, innovative materials and construction."

Beckman's Scholarship, Fashion

Niklas Gustavsson for the collection "Houdini"

"For a degree project where the individual's relationship with the collective is explored through memory and their own history in an outstanding design. With the help of swaying silhouettes and vibrant pattern images, the uniform and conventional are challenged without the garments losing their basic character. A skilful breakaway number with surreal undertones where concept, execution and communication form a perfect chord."

Beckman Scholarship, Visual Communication

Lova Nyblom

"During these three years, this student has often delivered more than the duty requires. Sometimes it has been about their own achievements, sometimes about efforts that benefited the whole class, or the whole school. From the delivery of gluten-free pizza to sharp concept work. Together with her peers, she created a degree identity that set a whole new level for how a design college can communicate."

Beckman's Scholarship, Artistic Design

Lisa Åsberg, Visual Communication, for the degree project

"Wherever I am, there is no you"
"For a heartfelt story that touches with great empathy, about visibility and invisibility... about a lack. For an urgent poetic work in words and images with existential questions."

Work scholarship to Villa San Michele on Capri

Mathilda Guve, Fashion:
The scholarship is awarded to a student who has developed his/her interest and ability in artistic processes and expression during his/her education and in his/her degree project. Mathilda Guve for the collection "I See a Little Silhouette of Myself " "For a flowing natural playfulness and a performative desire in the search for figures with sensual characteristics provocative, humorous design and with the subconscious as a playing field"

GYF Award for Best Degree Project

Almir Jašarević, Visual communication for ÇOK GOTT

The scholarship is awarded annually to the student at one of the four schools; Beckman College of Design, Berghs School, Forsberg School or Konstfack who has created the graphic product that GYF's board believes best falls within the purpose of the foundation - to promote the graphic professions.

"Best Graduation Project 2021 Almir Jašarević, Beckman College of Design. For a graphic experience that, with care for both content and craftsmanship, highlights the incarnation of the most important cultural carrier we know - the meal. A presentation that fills every viewer with curiosity, liking and desire to cook. A graduation project that manifests the GYF Foundation's purpose, to Promote the Graphic Professions, extremely well."

GYF's Board of Directors consists of 7 members from the organizations Grafiska Företag and Medieföretagen.

Peter Saville Scholarship

Peter Saville waived his guest lecturer fee in favour of a scholarship which was awarded:
Astrid Askert, Visual Communication
"An exploration of identity and the shell. A visual project with great depth and glossy surface that places itself in the middle of the contemporary. And with a starting point that is central to all pop culture: 'I do not need to define my physical body because I am the person I choose to be'

The Glass Factory Stay Scholarship 2021

Two-week work placement in The Glass Factory Hot Shop and a 4-week exhibition.
Teresa Lundmark, Product design
"In a search for the instinctive human experience of materiality and stimuli, the 2021 fellow has shown curiosity for material translations and the work process around glass. We see exciting development opportunities and therefore choose to award the 2021 residency grant to Teresa Lundmark.

Svenskt Tenns Design Scholarship 2021

SEK10.000 + exhibition in the shop
Alina Piatanova, Product design
"In Sweden, Josef Frank is best known for his collaboration with Svenskt Tenn and all the fantastic patterns, furniture and products he designed during the more than 30 years he worked with the company's founder, Estrid Ericson.

But before he left his homeland, Austria, at the age of 50, due to anti-Semitism, he was one of the foremost architects of the interwar period. After the First World War, when Europe was to be rebuilt, Frank worked as an urban planner and architect in Vienna. He was part of the functionalist and modernist movement but, unlike many of his colleagues, stood for a humanistic and personal style. As an architect, Frank designed, among other things, workers' housing in the Austrian city of Pernitz, in these residential areas Frank placed great emphasis on both the aesthetic expression and the possibility for the residents to have their own plot and access to green areas.

Josef Frank was not only one of the foremost designers and architects of our time, he was also a great humanist who cherished everyone's access to beautiful design, architecture and nature. This year's Svenskt Tenn scholarship holder has in an extremely well-worked and very appealing way created an architectural project that in the spirit of Josef Frank, in a contemporary way, gives everyone in vulnerable suburbs the opportunity to experience aesthetics and beauty.

Svenskt Tenn's design scholarship 2021 of SEK 10,000 and the opportunity to exhibit the project in the store on Strandvägen, are awarded to Alina Piatanova for her degree project Libro Mikrobibliotek.

Swedish Fashion Council & TEKO Scholarship

Scholarship of SEK20.000
Ronja Berg, Fashion
"With creative height combined with smart craftsmanship and unique design, Ronja Berg is awarded this year's scholarship 2021. The Swedish Fashion Council and TEKO are convinced that Ronja Berg is part of the force that drives the Swedish fashion and textile industry forward."

Stockholmsmässan Scholarship

Opportunity to exhibit + PR
Arpie Amirians, Alice Lannfelt and Max Stjerna, all Product design

Elobina Print Scholarship 2021

Possibility to print patterns on silk.
Erika Haglund, Fashion
"In her graduation collection, Erika Haglund has created patterns that evoke both nostalgic feelings and hope for the future. Something Elobina would like to support and see more of."

Stockholm Fashion Week Scholarship

The scholarship holder will have the opportunity to show at Stockholm Fashion Week in August and part of the week's international PR work.
Filippa Agaton, Fashion
"With a great business minded approach and attention to detail, this designer creates timeless yet contemporary pieces. With the fashion consumer of today and of the future in mind, Filippa Agaton is at the core of the future of Swedish fashion".

FCCA Scholarship

1 year free membership in the Artists' Collective Workshop + 5000 SEK to use the premises.
Siri Gertonsson, Fashion

NK Scholarship

SEK10.000 + exhibition at NK and digital visibility in their various channels
Niklas Gustavsson, Fashion

Beckman Sisters Book Scholarship

Christina Leube, Mode, received the traditional book scholarship from the Beckman sisters, children of Anders Beckman.


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