Open lecture | Copyright & Entrepreneurship

Beckmans open lecture, Swedish

A lecture that will give you knowledge about copyright and contracts as well as other valuable tips for a professional life in the field of image and design.

Introduction to copyright and entrepreneurship for students

Are you planning to start your own business after graduation? Or will you perhaps work as an employee and buy in material from freelance visual creatives? Either way, it's good to know about copyright and how it affects fees and contracts.

In this lecture, Marcela Contardo, legal officer at the Swedish Cartoonists' Association, will give an introduction to copyright and business for you as a student.

About Swedish Cartoonists

Svenska Tecknare is a trade union for graphic designers, illustrators, animators, game designers and cartoonists. If you attend Product design or Visual Communication at Beckmans, you can automatically become a member.


Time & Place

Time: Tuesday, April 12 at 16.15
Place: Aulan, Beckman College of Design, Brahegatan 10.
No pre-registration needed.

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