Open lunch lecture - Forensic Architecture

Beckmans Swedish, visual communication

In collaboration with Tensta Art Gallery, Beckmans invites you to an open lecture on October 7.

Dr Samaneh Moafi from the internationally renowned design group Forensic Architecture is visiting Beckmans for a lunchtime lecture, where she will talk in more detail about the group's methods and work.

Forensic Architecture, which opens the exhibition Cloud Studies at Tensta konsthall on 7 October, is an interdisciplinary group that uses design and architectural tools to develop innovative spatial and visual methods for investigating crime. The group is based at Goldsmiths University in London and consists of architects, filmmakers, software developers, journalists, lawyers and researchers.

In its work, Forensic Architecture incorporates contemporary digital methods to collect information and visualize its findings. The group's investigations are presented both in international trials, but also in a wide range of exhibitions, for example at the Louisiana, the Whitney Museum and the Tate.

Read more about Forensic Architecture:

Read more about the exhibition Cloud Studies at Tensta Konsthall:

Friday, October 7 at 12.15 pm
Location: Aulan, floor 4. Beckman College of Design, Agavägen 54, Lidingö. Elevator available.



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