Nobel Creations 2024 at the Nobel Prize Museum

Sofia Hulting Swedish, fashion

We celebrate the Nobel Prize with the opening of the Nobel Creations exhibition!

Free interpretations of this year's Nobel Prize

In the Nobel Creations project, students in year 1 of the fashion program create free interpretations of the Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace, as well as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

The creations explore what unites Nobel Laureates, artists and creators: creativity - the courage to think in new ways, to dare to question established theories and innovative combinations of insights from different fields.

The creations also put a new spin on gala wear, showing how special occasions, celebration and dignity can be expressed through fashion design.

Fashion photo by Carl Bengtsson

This year's six creations have been photographed at Millesgården by fashion and portrait photographer Carl Bengtsson. 

Students participating in the exhibition

Adrian Musa, Alvaro Sanchez, Clara Samor, Edit Hulting, Emil Biering, Jacob Borgenstierna Ploski, Jane Elliotte Svahn, Johannes Söderbäck Kirksaether, John Ölén, Luis Brunet, Mia Ekström, Nadja Olsson, Theo Sternehäll.

Program Manager, Fashion: Pär Engsheden
Course Coordinator: Sandra Backlund, lecturer

Opening hours of the exhibition

The exhibition will be on display at the Nobel Prize Museum, Stortorget 2 in Old Town between December 7 - January 7, 2025 and between February 15 - March 2, 2025 (the museum is closed Jan 8 - Feb 14 due to water damage).

See the museum's opening hours here.


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