Nobel Creations 2023
For the twelfth consecutive year, first-year students from the Fashion programme at Beckmans College of Design have interpreted the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine or Physiology, Literature and Peace, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel. In their Nobel creations, they explore what Nobel Laureates, artists and designers have in common: the courage to challenge established methods and theories, to think outside the box, and to fuse different kinds of knowledge into new statements. The creations also give a new take on gala attire and how special occasions, celebrations and dignity can be expressed in the medium of fashion design.
"The photographs aim to maintain the playfulness of the creations and, at the same time, elevate them to iconic images. Lighting and camera angles, combined with the dresses and the direction of models, expresses their curious and delicate personalities."
– John Scarisbrick, Photographer
The finished Nobel Creations can be seen at:
The Nobel Prize Museum, 5 December 2023 – 31 May 2024.
First year BFA fashion students interpreting The Nobel Prizes in:
Economic Sciences by
Felicia Sellman & Natalie Lindén
Literature by
Hanna Rothstein & Natalie Gurley
Peace by
Julia Broscheit & Mar Porrero Coll
Medicine by
Klara Stålenbring & Otto Bäccman
Chemistry by
Amanda Heed, Nicke Salomonsson & Unni Burman
Physics by
Arvid Engman & Justin Ekström
Beckmans College of Design
Pär Engsheden, head of programme, fashion
Göran Sundberg, head of course in fashion
Charlotte Svinevit, senior lecturer, tailoring and construction
Elisabet Yanagisawa, lecturer, fashion
Sandra Backlund, lecturer, fashion
Guest Supervisors
Maria Hahn
Bea Szenfeld
Nobel Prize Museum
Expertise: Carin Klaesson, Olof Somell, Paulina Wittung Åman
Coordinator: Elin Granberg
Light: Transpond AB
Translation: Nordén & Berggren
Clara Åhlvik, Director of Exhibitions
Erika Lanner, CEO and Museum Director
Doubble Space Stockholm
Photo: John Scarisbrick & Julia Anjou
Special thanks to
Sofia Geideby
Maurine Tugavune/Mikas Looks
Natascha and Nikita/FYE Management