Chicken scholarship for Beckmans student
-"It feels partly like a receipt for doing something good. And it's also nice to get an award like this and see your name on the diploma. I'm more used to being behind things and not putting my name on so much," says Viktoria.
Jury's motivation
"With their sense of color and product design , they immediately arouse the hunger of the entire jury. And when that feeling kicks in, you know something is good. And something is like everything this person has created. Whether it's a coaster, a photograph or a table, it doesn't matter. We want it all at home on our walls and in our rooms, but most of all we want to see more.Definitelya portfolio to take your hat off to!"
Check out Victoria's portfolio here.
Beckman alumnus Julius Tuvenvall also one of the scholarship holders
A former Beckman student, Julius Tuvenvall, was also named one of this year's Chicken Fellows. Julius graduated from Visual Communication 2020 and has since worked at Klarna, AWB and now Oatly, among others. He has already won awards in competitions such as Guldägger, ADC and DN's Reklamcupen.
Jury's motivation
"When it often feels like every project is being scrutinised through a magnifying glass, it's incredibly liberating to have someone who isn't hampered by either the client or the budget. Combining pop culture with a headstrong entrepreneurial spirit, it's hard to tell if what you're doing is art, design, advertising or something else entirely. But one thing's for sure: it moves. And the industry needs more people to adapt to, not the other way around. Congratulations to this year's Chicken Fellow Julius Tuvenvall."
About the Chicken Scholarship
TheCommunications Agencies of Sweden (KOMM) has established the Chicken Scholarship to encourage new, talented creators. The scholarship is awarded to three people who each receive SEK 20,000 at the annual Golden Egg Gala.