Molly Malmer
Hoping to attract an enhanced sense of presence and wonder, if only for a moment, these objects offer a spatial and material stimulus with a puzzling tactility.
Det är vanligt med grafiskt tryck på platta ytor, papper och tyg, men mindre vanligt med grafiskt tryck på tredimensionella träobjekt. Med fototekniken cyanotypi, som uppfanns år 1842 för att kopiera arkitektritningar, så kallade blueprints, presenteras här en ny form av dekoration av trämöbler.
Cyanotypy is like painting with light and therefore great emphasis was placed on investigating how shadows fall over different shapes. The negatives are placed by hand directly on the surface before exposure. In this way, chance always has a hand in the game and each result becomes unique. When arched surfaces are exposed at the right angle, soft color shifts occur.
+ 46 76 400 08 60
Thanks to:
Ministry of Image.