Kitty Schumacher
Inside the curtain you are presented for a visual experience with a moving image where you choose where you want to look. Ideally, opt out of the direction you came from. And ideally, you'll step out in a new direction – heading somewhere else.
Imagine a line! Is it straight? Why then? With the line as the theme song, Desire_Lines explore the straight versus the queer from a visually exploratory perspective.
The visual experience is divided into five sections, where the line is transformed from concrete visual to abstract philosophical. You'll be guided through the experience of a voice ordered from an online audio service, produced by composer Adele Marcia Kosman.
Parts of the visual material used, and curated, are a kind of contemporary readymades: digitally available material such as Google Earth imagery and completed 3D models. In Desire_Lines, a queer reading of the line and of popular material from the internet is conducted.
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