
Adam Swärd exam web2019-mode

Adam Swärd

Mada representerar det självförverkligande som vi kan genomföra i form av beklädnad. Mada är mitt självförverkligande.

The Mada project is based on my own development as an individual and what it means to be able to freely express who you are, without relating to social constructions in the surroundings. I want to show how I have built myself up with aesthetic means and become my own muse. Mada is my way of telling you that you can be who you want to be. It is a call for self-realization as much as for personal liberation.

My goal with the project is to question current gender norms by playing with textiles and using the body's sensuality as an expression. But above all, I want to highlight individuals like myself and others who identify outside of current norms. Place the character Mada on others and manifest that everyone can create themselves. Move the wearer to a world of glitter, pearls and silk. 

I identified Mada in myself and embraced her. It is a way of celebrating oneself and a questioning of the norms that prevent us from seeing ourselves as completely free.

+ 46 76 711 92 00

Thanks to:
Marina Kereklidou, Tim Mårtensson, Nathalie Simone-Bespoke, Ruth-Hannah, Inga-Britt Swärd and Michelle Klemendz.

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