Design course at Tensta konsthall during the Easter break

Beckmans Swedish

Are you curious about the design profession? During the 2022 Easter holidays, former Beckmans students led the course "BETON - learn the design process from idea to finished work".

Gustav Winsth and Jessica Westerberg led the four-day workshop for young people, where participants got to try out the process of a designer's work; all the steps from conceptualising an idea to sketching and prototyping, to the actual execution. The material of the course was concrete.

Pictures from the concrete workshop

Based on memories, the participants were asked to create a concrete foundation, which at the end of the course formed a common bench.

- For two years, Beckmans and Tensta Konsthall have arranged workshops for young people in our three areas; visual communication, fashion and design. Meeting young people's creativity in their own environments is an exciting way to capture new talents and interest them in artistic education and professions, says Annika Berner, Head of External Relations.

Netting is needed to prevent the concrete from cracking when it dries.
The concrete was painted in the desired colour.
When the concrete has burned through (i.e. dried), the Styrofoam frame is chopped away.
The finished foundations!

Time & Place

Date: Mon-Thurs, 11-14 April, 10-14
Ages: 15-23 years
Location: Tensta konsthall
Fruit and snacks are available on site.

Free activity in cooperation with Familjebostäder, Stockholmshem and
Svenska Bostäder.


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