Beckmans x Paris Fashion Week
September 28, 2018
High level
Since the premiere at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern in May, their graduation collections have appeared at Copenhagen Fashion Week,on famous artists and in several fashion reports. They have received scholarships from the Swedish Fashion Council, H&M and Lindex and one of them, Amanda Borgfors Mészàros, was awarded the prestigious Bernadotte Art Award in June for her work. As the only Swede, she was also recently named by Vogue Italia as one to keep an eye on when she became one of Vogue Talent's 2018. In addition, two of the graduates, Sissel Kärneskog and Marie Isacsson, continue their studies at one of the world's most prestigious fashion programmes, the Master's programme at the Royal College of Art in London.
-Our fashion education under the direction of designer Pär Engsheden is of such a high standard that the students have the eyes of the industry on them before they have even graduated. "Being part of Paris Fashion Week is a given because Beckman College of Design always thinks in international terms, and without shaking my head I can say that our fashion students stand up incredibly well in the fierce competition of the fashion world," says Rector Karina Ericsson Wärn.
Performance & Showroom
At Paris Fashion Week, these upcoming designers are now showing parts of their collections in a photo performance at the Institut suédois in connection with the opening of Swedish Fashion Now on September 28. The acclaimed Spanish artist and photographer Olga de la Iglesia is behind the camera. Between 29-30 September, there is the opportunity to meet all the designers, take a closer look at their graduation collections and see their portfolios in a showroom at Jean de Bonnot, 22 rue Chapon, Paris 3ème.
The project is made possible through close cooperation with ASFB, the Swedish Institute, Visit Sweden and Oriflame. The project is produced and curated by Annika Berner, Head of External Relations.
Participating designers
Amanda Borgfors Mészàros, Anastasia Jansäter, Antonia Larsson Pihl, Dat Danh, Felicia Halén Fredell, Joonas Karhumaa, Julia Correia de Verdier, Marie Isacsson, Matilda Ivarsson, Robert Jonsson and Sissel Kärneskog.
About Swedish Fashion Now
Swedish Fashion Now is a global platform organized during Paris Fashion Week at institut suédois by the Association of Swedish Fashion Brands in collaboration with the Swedish Institute and Visit Sweden. In addition to Beckmans College of Design's presentation of emerging designers, a number of Swedish fashion brands are on display, among them Beckmansalumni Josephine Bergquist and Livia Schück/Rave Review.
About Olga de la Iglesia
Olga de la Iglesia is a noted artist and photographer based in Barcelona. In her work, she explores the boundaries between fashion and documentary photography. Her work has appeared in magazines such as ID, Nataal, Life Framer, Purple and It's Nice That.