Join Beckmans during Stockholm Design Week and Stockholm Fashion Week

Beckmans participates with exhibitions, digital fashion shows and talks during Stockholm Design Week and Stockholm Fashion Week, which this year takes place the same week.

Visit our exhibition ROOM SERVICE – Beckmans Design Collaboration in Superellipsen, Sergels torg, see glass products by form students and products on the theme from plastic to wood in NK's design exhibition, and watch the digital fashion show Beckmans Fashion Collaboration – TRAILBLAZER.

Are you curious about what our alumni are doing these days? Then look into the exhibition Inside Swedish Design: Presence and Innovationat Stockholm Auction House where   18 alumni from Beckmans participate in an initiative that wants to highlight the knowledge and innovation that exists in the Swedish design industry.

In addition, our students participate in various talks at both Stockholm Design Week and Stockholm Fashion Week.

Below you can see our program.

Hope to see you!

Exhibitions 8-13 February

  • ROOM SERVICE – Beckmans Design Collaboration.Location: Superellipsen, Sergels torg. Pre-book your visit here.
    Opening hours: Press tour 8 Feb 14.00-20.00, Tue 9 Feb-Fri 12 Feb 10.00-20.00, Sat 13 Feb 11.00-16.00
  • Young Swedish Product design - digital exhibition. Participants Beckmansalumni Rasmus Steyner Randén (Product design 2020) Antonia Pihl (Fashion 2018) Marie Isacsson (Fashion 2018).
  • NK's design exhibition: Our design students show glass and products on the theme from plastic to wood where students translated products that today are made of plastic into wood or other more sustainable material. Location: NK, 1 tr.
  • Inside Swedish Design: Presence and Innovation. 18 alumni from Beckmans participate with products. Location: Stockholm Auction House, Nybrogatan 32.

Exhibitions from February 11

  • Stockholm Fashion Week: Parts from this year's collections from Beckmans Fashion Collaboration – TRAILBLAZER is shown in NK's storefront 11-22 Feb. Location: NK
  • Stockholm Fashion Week: Parts of Britta Åsåker and Erica Haglund's collections in collaboration with Marimekko will be shown at Marimekko's store at Norrmalmstorg 11-13 Feb.

Digital fashion show & talks February 10

Digital viewing and conversations between students and fashion brands can be seen on Stockholm Fashion Week's website.

  • 13.00 Stockholm Fashion Week: Principal Karina Ericsson Wärn participates in the Finnish Institute's webinar on diversity at the design and fashion universities. The webinar is done via Zoom, register here.  
  • 15.00 Stockholm Fashion Week: Digital screening of Beckmans Fashion Collaboration – TRAILBLAZER and conversations between students and fashion brands.
  • 15.00-15.30 Stockholm Design Week, Stockholm Design & Architecture Talks: Panel discussion with students from Beckmans on the theme "Three design schools: engines in the innovation economy of Stockholm." Moderator Lia Forslund. Link is coming.

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