Beckman's graduation exhibition 2024

Sofia Hulting examen2024, Swedish, degree project

On 22–25 May, we invite you to Beckmans College of Design's graduation exhibition 2024. Here you will meet over forty projects that curiously explore visual communication, design and fashion. 

Degree web

This year's degree website can be found here. Read more about each project and see pictures.

Both designed works and ongoing experiments are allowed to take place

The annual graduation exhibition is more than just an opportunity to showcase finished results. It is also a journey through the creative process where both designed works and ongoing experiments take place. Here, ideas have been allowed to germinate and be tested, diverse perspectives have been explored and different expressions have been examined. It takes patience and persistence to shape your creative path, refine your visions and express them in product design. 

"In the degree projects, something new and unique has been created that is a result of passion, innovation and the very essence of creativity. Together, they form a story that helps shape the present and the future," says Karina Ericsson Wärn, Vice-Chancellor. 


Opening hours

22 May at 16.00–20.00 Opening
23 May at 12.00–19.00 The exhibition is open
24 May at 12.00–19.00 The exhibition is open
25 May at 11.00–17.00 The exhibition is open

Getting here

Metro to Ropsten, then boat to the Dalénum pier or Lidingöbanan to AGA station (right now the Ropsten-Baggeby section is served by replacement buses).

Concept & art direction

Caroline Hallersjö, Ludvig Wänelöf and Mauritz Larsson, students in the visual communication programme.


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