Closure & Scholarships 2022
In the evening there was a party at Skånska Gruvan.
Congratulations to all scholarship holders and new graduates!
Below you can see which scholarships were awarded and who received what.
Beckman's scholarship, Product Design
Scholarship of SEK 5.000 was
Lina Blass & Siri Boekhout
Lina Blass, for the Assemblyproject
"Imagine a person who is as stubborn as sin and as meticulous as a few. Who doesn't give up even when things look a bit dark. If she can't be found in the usual places, she's probably lying on a floor in a big empty room, crawling with some kind of game console on her head among invisible stuff. Because before you have to trudge down to the wood shop, it's better to check if the radius is worth spending a few extra hours on, she thinks. Lina, you combine the analogue with the digital in a way that nourishes each other and makes us understand the point of VR. Taking a cue from Da Vinci and his self-supporting system that builds bridges without nails, rope or glue, you took on the challenge of making your answer to the ultimate flat pack. With an open mind and a clever stick that locks the design and proves how design as a means can change the conditions of how a piece of furniture can be made.
A way of thinking that should overshadow everything in the times we now live in."
Siri Boekhout, for the project Dygn
"A shadow is created by light and something rising from a surface. Images are created and change as the light moves. And "where the shadow of the hypotenuse of the triangle coincides with the shadow of the gnomon on the hour line" - something quite magical happens. In your product design , we can be in both time and space, and as the sun moves, your location changes. An object that is one of man's most important scientific creations: the horizontal clock, which you elevate by design to something highly relevant and present. By twisting its meaning and function, you have woven it into a magical place in public space that you want us all to share, free from demands and expectations. A design process with a magical result that we have been privileged to follow."
Beckman's Scholarship, Fashion
Scholarship of SEK 5.000 was
Samuel Westerberg & Gabriella Danerlöv
Samuel Westerberg, for the Boyfriend Dressingcollection
"With the male body at the centre, intimate relationships are explored through clothing in a way that combines critical thinking, craftsmanship and visual excitement. The dressed is juxtaposed with the undressed and the tailored with the broken in a conscious process rooted in personal experience and the desire to displace norms. A queerly brilliant contribution to an international conversation about the future of menswear."
Gabriella Danerlöv, for the Mischief Power Dressingcollection
"Mischief Power Dressing. Presenting: The Faulty Exposed Woman as Public Enemy No 1 Mal Function, Sample Size, Bursting Seams and Baby Fat.
For a well-executed collection with a strong concept where the mis-exposed
woman is transformed into a superheroine."
Beckman Scholarship, Visual Communication
Scholarship of SEK10.000
Maja Schein, for the project Return to sender
"At Visual Communication, we believe that design has the ability to point to possibilities in a complex world. But design also needs to be able to look back and sometimes deal with the impossible. Design can be about exploring, formulating and learning. A design process can have to be painful. This student's work has taught us so much and touched everyone who came close."
Beckman's Scholarship, Artistic Design
Scholarship for a three-week working stay at Villa San Michele, Capri
Gabriella Danerlöv for the project Mischief Power Dressing
"For an experimentally exploratory performance paired with a wry sense of humour that problematizes society's prevailing norms and ideals about the female body".
Svenskt Tenn Design Scholarship 2022
The scholarship is based on the three criteria Quality, Long-term and Good product design.
The scholarship means SEK20,000 + two weeks' accommodation in the guest apartment at the Swedish Institute in Paris that is furnished by Svenskt Tenn. In addition, the degree project will be shown at Svenskt Tenn in the fall of 2022.
Simon Mattisson for the project Granland
"Throughout Svenskt Tenn's almost 100-year history, there has always been a focus on good product design, long-term thinking and quality. Both Estrid Ericson, who founded the company, and Josef Frank, who joined Svenskt Tenn in 1934, were visionaries who broke with the conventions of their time. Both created timeless designs that have lasted over time, which today have become an important part of Swedish design history.
In this day and age, we are constantly working to show that Svenskt Tenn is a place and a company that balances a historical heritage with the present. Innovation and new thinking are close to the company's heart, not least because the profits from Svenskt Tenn are distributed through the Beijer Foundation to charitable research in areas such as ecological economics and AI research.
As a designer, we think it is both visionary and sustainable to take an environmental issue into account, develop a material based on it and then create objects in an aesthetically elaborate way using 3D printing. The fact that the objects are also beautiful and well-designed makes us think that Simon Mattisson and his project Granland is a worthy recipient of the 2022 scholarship."
Nordic Gallery Scholarship 2022
The scholarship includes a four-week exhibition at Nordiska Galleriet during the coming year, marketing in the company's channels, a vernissage, and 20 000 SEK. The total estimated value of the scholarship is 275 000 SEK.
Simon Mattisson for the project Granland.
"The jury believes that this innovative thesis highlights something that is of utmost importance for both public and private product design. In a time of escalating climate crisis, we all need to contribute to solutions regarding the future of form. This thesis focuses on a burning current issue in the manufacturing industry and the end result is both conceptually and in its execution magnificent. The winner of the Nordic Gallery's Form Scholarship 2022 is awarded to this student for his bold approach to developing the future of production in the physical form in an innovative and extremely strong way."
Stockholm Design Lab's scholarship
Tuva Larsson for the My Memoirsproject
"With a thought-provoking idea - one that is topical and affects everyone, this year's grant winner has done an impressive job of research. She has handled the material from this research in a beautiful, poetic, funny - and not least - personal way, and from this format a work that is perfect in its design from paper choice, format and weight, down to the smallest typographic detail - where the choice of media was particularly careful and cleverly balanced.
A brilliant project from idea to final result, which impresses on all levels."
EY Doberman Scholarship
Tuva Larsson for the project My Memoirs
"With great courage, conceptual height and astonishingly fine craftsmanship, the fellow has demonstrated the complex reality of our internet presence. A work that, through its self-disclosing vulnerability, touches deeply, highlights contemporary issues and raises questions about identity and ownership. We can't stop flipping through My Memoirs."
Daniel Sachs Foundation
Daniel Sachs scholarship at Beckman College of Design aims to reward free thinking at Beckmans. Scholarship of SEK25.000.
Scholarship to Alexander Peri for the project WYSIWYDG (what you see is what you don't get)
"With his graduation project, this year's scholarship winner constructs a laughing mirror against an authoritarian regime's vain attempts to censor and falsify reality. His balanced work on instructional videos arms the free thinkers of democracy at a time when they need it most."
EQT Ventures
Scholarship to Alexander Peri for the project WYSIWYDG (what you see is what you don't get)
Three scholarships of SEK12.000 were
Desirée Bjurinder Fritzon for the collection ABC Ö
"For a journey through classic garments with a well visualized strong gender fluid expression and exploration of the body's relationship to cuts for voids, protective, reinforcing and revealing shapes. Interesting silhouettes created through skillful cutting, and strong execution enhances the quality. Good variety and consistently well-balanced details create a cohesive collection. Fashionedge and the use of denim feels new, curious and very successful."
Kevin Nilsson for the collection Other Perspectives
"For a strong whole, clear concept and play with skirt, soft and tight materials in smart cuts that give an easy to wear and at the same time strong fashionable silhouette. Good choice of haute couture techniques to explore contemporary iconic garments, the colour choices enhance that feeling and the combination with form-fitting accessories adds to the whole. The collection has strong, attractive fashion relevance and the concept feels very complete."
Samuel Westerberg for the collection Boyfriend Dressing
"For exciting contrasts in the search for a feeling in a solitary game through garments that express a stripped-down persona. The garments restrain, protect and at the same time expose and expose the wearer. Play, distortion and finely tailored well-made collection with a good balance and span. You have taken yourself to a technically and design-wise strong level and communicate a clear fashion theme of the time."
Scholarship of SEK15.000.
Alice Svensson Brostedt for the collection Childhood Nostalgia
"A collection that strikes a chord within us. Feelings of security from the familiar and historical meet the unexpected and uncertain in the new. Artistic experimental thoughts have been translated into a beautiful and contemporary collection. Feminine. Titillating silhouettes and details. Delightful colour palette. Interesting mix of materials linked to long-lasting durability and love of traditional craftsmanship. We appreciate that emotions are given crucial value in a modern, wearable collection.
Stockholm Fashion Week | New Talent Award
The scholarship holder will have the opportunity to show at Stockholm Fashion Week in August and will be part of the week's international PR work.
Alice Svensson Brostedt for the collection Childhood Nostalgia
"With nostalgic silhouettes in a new twist, Alice Svensson Brostedt has managed to breathe new life into familiar materials and monsters. With outfits for seemingly every season and the creative businesswoman has piqued the interest of both the public and the present industry. We very much look forward to seeing where Alice's journey will take her."
Swedish Fashion Council & TEKO Scholarship
Scholarship of SEK10.000
Thomas Wieser for the collection Anti-Tailoring
"Through his ability to revive a cultural craft and create contemporary, relevant design that moves and engages, Thomas Wieser is able to build a strong community. This will be crucial for the future of the fashion industry and he is therefore awarded this year's 2022 scholarship. The Swedish Fashion Council and TEKO are convinced that Thomas Wieser is part of the force that drives the Swedish fashion and textile industry forward."
NK Young Talent Award by Beckmans
Scholarship of SEK10.000 + exhibition at NK and digital visibility in their various channels
Saveja Awzel for the collection Lost on Silk Road
"With creative height combined with strong craftsmanship and unique design, Saveja Azwar's graduation project Lost on Silkroad is awarded NK's scholarship: NK Young Talen Award by Beckmans 2022. In her graduation project, Saveja explores her background from different cultures and brilliantly puts it in a new contemporary context. A skillfully executed collection both in whole and in detail with surreal undertones where concept, execution and communication form a perfect chord. We see Saveja Azwar as a designer driving Swedish fashion forward."
Scholarship that provides an opportunity to exhibit at Formex in August and make contacts and meet the press.
Elias Berg for the project POLLUX Comfort Lighting System
"For a thesis that takes the designer's responsibility for sustainability as its starting point in a uniquely innovative, creative and aesthetic way. In his work, Elias Berg combines recent advances in photovoltaic research and design, to harness the light that hits surfaces during the day and considers solar cells as a material in themselves, integrating them as a key design element. A design that takes responsibility and inspires with a strong design vision that deserves all the attention."
Artists' Collective Workshop
The Artists' Collective's Graduation Scholarship is awarded annually to a newly graduated visual or fine artist from Beckmans, Konstfack and Kungl. Konsthögskolan. The scholarship recipients are awarded a one-year guest membership free of charge and workshop time to the value of SEK5,000.
Maria Nyholm for the project Lergjord
The Glass Factory residency grant 2022
Two weeks of work in The Glass Factory Hot Shop and a 4-week exhibition.
Felicia Mebus for the project From the child's point of view
Annabella Gustavsson, Visual Communication
"Making it easy. Design Sweden is impressed by the way Annabella Gustafsson, who has taken death as the starting point for her thesis and through her innovative approach to the subject, has created a vibrant visual communication for something that is difficult to talk about. We need to smile all our lives, good luck Annabella."
Alice Svensson Brostedt, Fashion
"Crafts as survival. Craft is traded knowledge and craft is the future. Alice Svensson Brostedt shows the whole process of craftsmanship in her fashion creation, from the thinnest threads to a full-scale fashion collection. This is Haute Couture, when memories and patterns are woven together into beautiful fashion magic. Good luck to Alice from Design Sweden."
Simon Mattisson, Product design
From problem to poetry. Simon Mattisson Granland has processed sustainability and innovative design in combination with new digital technology in an outstanding way when he created undulating shapes based on the peculiar and harmful tunnels of the spruce bark beetle. In the borderland between art and design, this is what modern industrial design can look like. Congratulations and good luck to Design Sweden.
Book Grants
From Brim Winlöf, daughter of Nunnie and Anders Beckman.
Alice Svensson Brostedt, Fashion
Samuel Westerberg, Fashion
FannyAxnér, Product design
Annabella Gustavsson, Visual Communication