Closing and scholarship award 2018

Beckmans exam2018, Swedish, product design, fashion and visual communication

In connection with the closing, several scholarships were awarded by both companies and teachers at Beckmans. Here is a list of who this year
extra attention.

product design

  • Svenskt Tenn's design scholarship (SEK 10,000 + exhibition at Svenskt Tenn this autumn): Jennie Adén
  • Nordic Gallery Design Scholarship (SEK 20,000 + exhibition with marketing and press mailings): Melinda Urbansdotter
  • The Glass Factory – (SEK 10,000 + 2 weeks of work in the cabin): Ida Björses
  • Design teachers' scholarship for most interesting design projects: Melinda Urbansdotter
  • The design teachers' scholarship for best research: Hanna Stenström
  • Sustainability scholarship: Jennie Adén
  • Stockholmsmässan's innovation scholarship (SEK 5,000 + an decorated stand at Formexmässan,
    digital booth, participation in catalogue and newsletter): Maria Chifflet


Visual Communication 

  • EQT Ventures (awarded for the first time, rewards the digital side of design and design, SEK 20,000 + 3 tutoring sessions): Laurens van Tour
  • Bolo (focus on digital design, SEK 10,000): Gustav Stockman
  • King (rewards a clear idea, £15,000): Jacob Landahl
  • Sthlm Design Lab (SEK 20,000): Marcus Nystrand
  • Foundation for the Promotion of Graphic Professions (best projects all degree exhibitions): Tor Westerlund
  • VK teachers' scholarship for well-executed projects – Matilda Dahlgren
  • Sustainability Scholarship – Emelinn Heikkinen

Other scholarships


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