Glass scholarship of the year awarded by Svenskt Tenn

Beckmans Swedish, product design

Jessica Westerberg has been named glass fellow of the year, which means that she gets additional time in the glass cabin to develop a really good prototype of her vase. 

Together with Svenskt Tenn, the second-year students at Product design Explored lens design for six weeks. The assignment was to create a product or product series on the theme "The set table".

"I was inspired by a midsummer tablecloth in Dalarna where the table was decorated with potatoes. The shapes of potatoes led me to a vase that makes low table decorations possible. The glass is blown through a metal shape, giving each vase a unique touch.

Svenskt Tenn was particularly impressed by how she had solved the advanced product design And with the scholarship, she wants to give her the chance for 3 more hours in the glassworks to really be able to create what she wants to achieve.

Honourable mention

Two honorable mentions were awarded. One went to Rasmus Randén and his salad bowl, which draws inspiration from the chanterelle and which, according to Svenskt Tenn, captured the aesthetics and aesthetics of the product design that fits in their range. 

The second honorable mention went to Mika Lindblad and her series of bowls adorned at the bottom by a relief depicting a fossil. Svenskt Tenn was particularly impressed by her solution, which means that the bowl has both a fixed and a rotating part.

Guest teacher

The course coordinator has been Peter Nylander, senior lecturer at the design programme. Guest teachers have been Gustaf Nordenskiöld, artist and designer, Erik Björk, designer and senior lecturer on the design program and Eino Mäkelä and Gunilla Kihlgren, glassblowers. Guest critic was Carina Seth Andersson, designer and craftsman. Participant in the course from Svenskt Tenn: Thommy Bindefeld marketing manager/creative manager, Caroline Bergman, buyer, Per Ahldén, curator.


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