Design Talk på Stockholm Furniture Fair

Välkommen att lyssna när studenterna berättar om sina projekt på Stockholm Furniture Fair.

Epilogue – A Love Story

”The Epilogue begins where one story ends. It acts as a portal to an unknown future. 
We step into it, with utopia on ours minds and utopia in our hearts.

This is a story about love and care, in a time when making design that last is put at the forefront of every collaboration.” 

Six short dialogues

Six short dialogues guiding us into the future of making, including 12 voices telling individual stories about a collaborative design process.

Beckmans College of Design in collaboration with Abstracta, Johanson Design, Kinnarps, Källemo, Mitab, and Storängen 


Designers: Alice Hägglund, Frida Fröderberg, Louise Sandström, Mika Lindblad, Jessica Westerberg, Kourosh Hemmatara, Joakim Zickert, Rasmus Steyner Randén, Sofie Johansson, Ronja Reuber, Tilde Ullberg, Sinar Alexis
Moderator: Lia Forslund, Design Strategist
Language: English
Showcase: Greenhouse C05:35
Time: February 4th between 1-2 PM

Works of Essence

Works of Essence

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