Fashion Collaboration – Beckmans Denim Dimensions

Beckmans Svenska

13 studenter på Modeprogrammet vid Beckmans Designhögskola har skapat unika denimkollektioner för de framstående svenska modemärkena Busnel, Flattered, Ida Sjöstedt, Lazoschmidl, Rave Review och Stutterheim.

I alltifrån nya varianter på jeansen som vi alla älskar och bär, till plagg vilka helt vänder upp och ner på blåtygets traditionella användning, översätter dessa kollektioner ett anrikt material i en ny tid.

De blivande designerna har skapat uttryck som tar vara på denimplaggens unika kvaliteter och rika historia. Kollektionerna har satts i en samtida modekontext, ofta med ett hållbart tänkande där kläderna används och lever längre. Plagget och bäraren har fått gemensam historia genom tvätt, slitningar och lagningar. Även materialen i sig, bomullstwillen och indigofärgen, har bjudit in till experiment och kreativt hantverk som suddar ut gränsen mellan gata och ateljé.

– De här unika kollektionerna representerar också Beckmans Designhögskolas värdefulla möten mellan våra blivande designer och modets bästa märken, säger Göran Sundberg, lektor på Modeprogrammet.

Den 6 februari är det visning på Terminalen, Stadsgården 2 i Stockholm. Endast pressinbjudan.
Efter visningen fortsätter festligheterna från klockan 18.30-21.00. OSA-länk till eftersläppet hittas här

Den 6 februari kommer visningen även att livestreamas. Biljetter för den digitala visningen hämtas här

Se filmen Fashion Collaboration – Beckmans Denim Dimensions här

Medverkande modemärken och studenter:

Joel Andersson – Deconstruction of Matrimony | Ida Sjöstedt
The wedding day is the biggest signifier of a happy ending but not all end in the traditional way: couples have a change of heart, someone is left at the altar… I have made this collection for the man who considers clothing and style to be a part of his identity, who is not afraid to dress non-normative and explore the lines between masculine and feminine. @anderssonlarsjoel

Charlotte Backryd – Soon is Now | Lazoschmidl
My design aims to examine the fragile and intricate process of loving yourself in all your expressions. I design powerful contemporary creations for all free spirits. Humans who define themselves and rightfully demand to be seen, confirmated and loved as they are. @charlottebackryd

Emily Duff – Don’t Flatter Me (But Do) | Flattered
The contradictory relationship of two parties who play a constructed social digital game, consisting of basic human needs of confirmation and belonging. My design aims to visually examine this ironic game; investigating the intricate space Mabetween the body (the private) and the clothes (the personal). @emiagn

Filippa Fuxe – Neofemme | Ida Sjöstedt
In my collection I want to preserve Ida Sjöstedt’s core visual concept with focus on romance, escapism and femininity and inquired how we handle femininity in today’s society? Neofemme is a capsule collection where two opposite poles meet: The past and the future, historical and contemporary, the monarchy and anarchy. @filippafuxe

Emily Gullbo – Swedish melancholy at its driest | Stutterheim
A wet looking but waterproof denim collection based on the original pattern construction of Stutterheim’s timeless rainwear. Inspired by a classic method, vulcanization, I’ve explored techniques and developed methods with latex combined with upcycled jeans to create shape. The floaty silhouettes are combined with melancholic watercolor like prints. @emilygullbo

Astrid Hansson | Stutterheim
This collection is created for the urban, fashion-conscious woman who expresses herself through clothing. Shapes are emphasized through padding, making the garments and the wearer stand out. Denim is paired with Stutterheim ́s rubberised cotton fabric, putting together a balanced color palette in a youthful and playful collection. @astridlinneahansson

Anna Lastro | Busnel
The collection is about the Busnel woman, her daughter, how and why garments are passed down. An idea of wanting to grow up too fast and how a ruthless teen girl lives in Stockholm’s upper-class suburbs while striving for something more. Her secret longing to be discovered and chosen, plucked from her reality into relevance. @annalastro

Tim Maksimovic | Flattered
My collection explores the insides of relationships, how two parts relate to each other. Flattered is firmly rooted in today’s social media culture and I take a closer look at the boyfriend of the Flattered woman, whose life is shared publicly. My collection is relaxed, a less tidy version of the more presented style shown in public. @ttimmeehh

Karolina Pettersson – For Whom the Bell Tolls | Rave Review
Inspired by Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls, my collection conceptualises our need for connectedness.Through upcycling, using deadstock, and a play with colour, I build upon Rave Review’s sustainable approach to fashion, but also on the brand’s usage of textiles evoking feelings of rawness and nostalgia – translated into upcycled bridal dresses. Furthermore, I use couture techniques (hand-knitting and chenille) that strongly unite disparate fabrics and colours. @ingakarolinapettersson

Johanna Stannow | Rave Review
The collection is created with eyes released from social media, dressing for yourself instead of a selfie, regardless of the occasion; in the garden or in the city. By tying the garments and screwing them together with rivets, garments can be in constant change through variation and expression, influencing future consumption patterns. @stannow

Amanda Sörman Rascka – O.G (Original Guido) | Rave Review
In my collection O.G (Original Guido) I wanted to combine the elite society high fashion (Rave Review) customer with the lower class customer. So I picked the most tasteless garments (that would never see the light of day) I could find in my basement to resurrect as luxury pieces dear to heart. To challenge myself I recycled deadstock, second hand pieces and leftover spill bits, nothing new was purchased to make this collection. @arascka

Julia Weström – Obsessed with Confirmation | Lazoschmidl
This collection’s starting point comes from Lazoschmidl. I have focused on the stripped and tight clothes to get a more ”street look.” Denim is used as the primary material, and the color palette is unexpected and playful. Knitted gold chains and different materials combined in the accessories make my miniature collection version of the brand. @juliawe

Mohammad Ali Yaghoobi – Tuyou | Busnel 
Abstract lines shape an almost blurred illusion of body on clothes for persons who are aware of their inner selves and stand for their choices. A collection that gives you the opportunity to be casual and elegant on your workday, or being avant-garde-ly elegant in the evening (or day). I know you are an individual. @yagobimohammadali

Produktion: The Forumist Production
Styling: Amanda Hörlin
Hår: Sofia Geideby
Makeup: Johanna Larsson

Ljustekniker: Olof Jonsson Gaffer
Musik och liveuppträdande: Kimchii
Livestreamproduktion i samarbete med: Grandpa Electric & Doors
Filmfoto och regi: Sara Dehlin 
Kampanjfotograf: Pelle Lannefors
Lookbookfotograf: Nils Löfholm
Kampanj, film och lookbooktalanger: Amelie, Amy G, Ida C, Josefine G från Mikas och Dustin från Nische Management

Tack till: Busnel, Flattered, Ida Sjöstedt, Rave Review, Lazoschmidl, Stutterheim, Calik, Ljud & Bild Media, Copper AB, H&M Group


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